By now you know we’re having a GIRL! I wanted to share a recap of weeks 14-28 to encourage you to feel less alone and support YOU on your journey wherever you are.
In my first trimester post, I struggled hard with identity changes + extreme nausea and have to note: those have now improved significantly or gone AWAY because of the support & feedback from you guys, therapy + everything nausea/exhaustion/morning sickness went away by week 15. If you are in your first trimester, it will get better!

We did our gender reveal with THESE poppers at week 15 because we did early bloodwork and it was so special to be able to do it at my sisters house in California!
If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that the second trimester flies by the quickest. There were many days I almost forgot I was pregnant until the end of the day when my feet/back/pelvis were aching. I’ve truly never felt more like ME during these past few weeks. Behind the scenes, I’ve been busy planning + preparing for how to manage a company with a team of 8 into the Winter and 2022 with a baby while also trying to create some dedicated down time each day for ME prior to baby.

I get a lot of questions about how I will manage a business and newborn and I talk more about exact plans on my podcast regarding maternity leave and how I plan to show up on social media to protect my mental health and energy but still interact with YOU, my FRIENDS. I love showing up on stories and really hope to share the behind the scenes of postpartum food and body image too. All I have to say right now is: DELEGATE.
I’m officially due November 12 (right before Thanksgiving) so I am working ahead of time to get brand and business content done. That way the holidays can be about soaking it all in. We still plan to host Thanksgiving here 🙂 Not sure if you felt the same, but it’s almost like this hard stop ‘date’ has made me want to do it ALL (or maybe timelines just really motivate me).
I’ve been aiming to eat every 2 hours. I get full fast but try to keep up with my hunger!
String or Babybel cheese and peaches/plums/grapes
Bowls of cereal (I love mixing a sweeter cereal with plain Cheerios and almond milk!)
Bananas or apples and creamy PB
Lesser than Evil Himalayan Gold Popcorn or jalapeno kettle cooked chips
Avocado toast and hard-boiled eggs
Perfect bars
Good old full-fat, full-sugar ice cream varieties
Lots of pasta dishes with chicken sausage and spinach
Big salads with lots of crunchy toppings like pita chips, olives, feta, walnuts and avocado
Frozen pumpkin waffles with coconut butter and maple syrup with 2 fried or hard-boiled eggs
Pan-seared or baked salmon and ravioli with air-fried mushrooms
Was a little disappointed after honestly. Thought I’d get more time seeing/understanding things and our OB basically said ‘she looks good’. We got to see her legs, and he mentioned she’s big and strong! Thankful for a growing baby.
Biggest Issues: breeched-meaning her legs are down and head is up. This was something that kept me up at night as we were needing to schedule a C-section at week 32 if not. Luckily, you may know she has done a few cartwheels and now landed with her head DOWN during our 30 week appointment. This just means the likelihood of a C-section is lower (although still a possibility during labor) as I’d really love to have a vaginal birth.
-Pelvis aches
I stretch most nights and don’t do ANY exercises that don’t feel good!
-Leg cramps at night
Magnesium has helped! I use this.
-Nose bleeds
I get these 3-5 x per week and my OB has noted they are very common because of the amount of extra blood circulating for baby.
Pregnancy makes you confront it head on. Yes I’ve struggled with body image and fear of weight gain. But now that I’m pregnant and gained weight, I’m surely the heaviest I’ve ever been, I have never loved or respected my body more.
The only constant about your body is that is is going to change. And if I keep being hard on myself, I will never be happy. If I can’t accept it now, there will always be something I’ll want to change.
Bouncing back: It took a year to create a human being so it will take that long to get back into the groove of things. I’m not bouncing back.
I was more worried pre-pregnancy how I’d feel as my body changed in pregnancy (thinking I’d “lose” my body) but it’s not been a big issue with my relationship with my body now. I haven’t had many bad body image days because everyday I wake up grateful for what I can do. Grateful for the body I do have. Grateful for being able to get pregnant. Grateful for movement. For the energy to work out. That I don’t have many complications and wanting to be a healthy role model for her already talking and thinking positive thoughts. Your energy really does ebb and flow so I take it in strides and it’s worked out better than I could have imagined.
And If I were to talk negatively about my body, I’m setting myself off on the wrong foot!!
Do I get surprised when my vagina swells or my entire dinner feels like it still sitting in my throat when I try to lay down, yes but that doesn’t change the happiness I feel.
Fresh/freeze-dried/anything mango!
Cheese 🙂
Salty snacks like chips and guac or kettle-cooked chips or popcorn
PS Steamed veggies just aren’t cutting it so I have to roast/air-fry.
No longer enjoy any exercise that has you jumping/bouncing around – Body combat or any kind of HIIT. Have been sticking to 30-40 minutes of lighter strength training (full body mostly), classes where I modify to my comfort level and walks.
SPORTS BRA for growing/changing breasts
AMAZON WORKOUT OUTFIT – comfiest EVER for growing belly (I size up!)
COMFIEST FALL HOODIE (that looks cute with bump)
Let me know any questions I missed OR share your experience in Trimester 2!