
posts filed in:

My 6 Month Postpartum Anxiety & Updates

How I deal with my postpartum anxiety

My 6 Month Postpartum Anxiety & Updates

Going From 1 To 2 Kids As A Business Owner

How I’m embracing each stage of motherhood

Going From 1 To 2 Kids As A Business Owner

Postpartum Body Journey And Chat 8 Weeks Postpartum

Setting realistic body image expectations

Postpartum Body Journey And Chat 8 Weeks Postpartum

Surprise! Baby #2 Is On The Way!

How I deal with food aversions and morning sickness

Surprise! Baby #2 Is On The Way!

Honest Talk: Baby #2, Sharing Your Kids Face On Social, And Food Freedom Postpartum

How to fight “bounce back” culture

Honest Talk: Baby #2, Sharing Your Kids Face On Social, And Food Freedom Postpartum

Hiring My Husband? How To Work With Your Spouse

Is working with your spouse a bad idea?!

Hiring My Husband? How To Work With Your Spouse

Plus more about traveling to Greece!

How I Was Able To Take 2 Weeks Off Without Worrying About Money

You're Not The Only Person Concerned About FlavCity And Educating Our Kids In The Grocery Store

Do you want to hear my breakdown on Bobby Parrish aka FlavCity?

You’re Not The Only Person Concerned About FlavCity And Educating Our Kids In The Grocery Store

Why I'm Obsessed with Entrepreneurship

I’m not going to lie. When I first started out as a dietitian, I was underpaid, overworked, and felt defeated because I was not making the impact I knew I was capable of. I was burned out before even kicking off my career.

Why I’m Obsessed with Entrepreneurship

From Solopreneur to CEO—Starting and Scaling A Business

Just because you CAN do it all, doesn’t mean you should.

Going from ‘solopreneur’ to CEO feels like a monumental change. But it all starts with mindset—Trust me, the actions will follow.

Even if you’re doing everything yourself as a ‘one person show,’ that doesn’t mean you’re doing it well (Sorry, but it’s true). I am GREAT at making content. I love it. It’s my jam. But building out a funnel? I CAN do it. But would it be done better and faster if I handed it off? Hell yeah! So I do. Offloading tasks that you don’t enjoy, aren’t the best at, or that take you too much time is the foundation for transitioning from solopreneur to CEO.

From Solopreneur to CEO—Starting and Scaling A Business

As an entrepreneur, it can be hard to decide where to spend your money to improve your business. Should it go towards a team member? Coaching? New equipment? Or… should you spend it on new Nike dunks instead? (We’ve all been there…just bought a new pair of dunks the other day. Worth every penny.) Check out the top 4 investments for entrepreneurs based on my own experience growing a multiple 7 figure brand!

How to Decide What’s Worth Investing In for Your Business

This week’s Deats with Deanna episode is so incredible. Our guest is Sarah Galletti, the founder and chief creative officer of Tattooed Chef, which you guys have probably seen it in your local grocery shop. It is the fastest growing plant based frozen food company. Tattooed Chef recently went public and Sarah is like the […]

Deats with Deanna: Founder of Tattooed Chef Speaks Candidly on her Journey

Kara is a registered dietitian who specializes in the treatment of severe disordered eating and eating disorders. She is OEA Scale member and private practice owner after quitting her full-time treatment center position this past spring. I welcomed her on DEATS to discuss her transition into private practice, how she’s worked with people in residential, […]

Deats With Deanna: Kara Osburn

You’re probably here because you want to hear the lowdown on the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, which was in Orlando, Florida this year earlier in October. So I’m going to give you the lowdown from my perspective, the juiciest details on what went down. I mean, I literally can’t say it enough. I […]

Deats With Deanna: FNCE

The nursery came together right about 38 weeks along and I truly couldn’t love the space more and what we picked out. The below graphic shows everything we bought from either Target, Etsy, World Market, or Amazon mostly and even includes the diaper bag I’m obsessed with. I knew I wanted a neutral room she […]

Neutral Girl’s Nursery + Baby Products

By now you know we’re having a GIRL! I wanted to share a recap of weeks 14-28 to encourage you to feel less alone and support YOU on your journey wherever you are. In my first trimester post, I struggled hard with identity changes + extreme nausea and have to note: those have now improved […]

Second Trimester Pregnancy Updates + Favorites

Episode 8 of Deats with Deanna is a candid Q&A conversation about pregnancy, nutrition, and my journey with motherhood. These questions come straight from my followers so I appreciate you taking the time to send these in! You’ll hear my answers to the following questions: Have you ever felt down and struggled with feeling like […]

Answering your Pregnancy Questions: weight gain, nutrition, mindset and more

I am so lucky to have a really amazing partner in my life. Zack and I met in college, battled some long-distance love, have grown together, and helped each other through SO MUCH of life.  Zack has been a big support for me towards body positive image and eating support plus supported so many of my […]

How Can Your Partner Support Your Journey

I can’t believe we are PREGNANT. If you follow me on Instagram, you know Zack and I are expecting and I’m 20 weeks!

We’re Pregnant! + First Trimester Recap

Part 1 of our wedding series is here (Getting Ready and First Look). One of the most magical parts of the day was the ceremony. I have to say I didn’t give our ceremony a ton of thought leading up. I’m not sure if it was because we were reading vows that have been said […]

Our Wedding Part 2: Ceremony + Portraits

It’s hard to describe the emotions that I feel now, looking back over our wedding. The day was fun, emotional, full of love, and the best party Zack and I could have ever imagined. We have over 2,000+ photos so I wanted to share them in a manageable way for me to share with friends, […]

Our Wedding Part 1: Getting Ready + First Look