I get asked all the time if I’m worried I’m “training my competition.”
Not in the slightest.
This fear makes sense—well, if you’re coming from a limited mindset. I used to operate from a place of scarcity, too. That’s what we’ve been conditioned to believe (especially as women)…That there isn’t enough to go around, that if you share, others will steal, and that asking for help means you’re weak. For so long I felt that the only way to be successful in my career was to hustle at it alone.
Boy, was I wrong.
I would never have been able to start my own business—let alone manage a team of 10, scale to 7 figures, and produce a top 10 podcast all while dedicating even more time and energy to my incredible clients—without learning from others, asking for help, and believing in the value I knew I could provide.
I had to shift my way of thinking from fearful to empowered. Why? Your mindset directly impacts how you show up in your life…Everything from your posture when you walk into a room to how you respond to difficult or stressful situations. If you’re a skeptic, I promise I’m not telling you that manifestation will get you to 1 million in revenue. But shifting your mindset from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance will allow you to grow, scale, and operate from a place of joy NOT fear.
Here are the qualities and behaviors of someone coming from a limited mindset versus an abundant one:
Someone who has a limited mindset:
- Worries there will never be enough
- Competes to be on top
- Fears change
- Won’t share knowledge
- Doesn’t offer or ask for help
- Believes the pie is shrinking
- Thinks small
- Avoids risk
Someone believing in abundance:
- Knows there will always be more
- Collaborates to stay on top
- Embraces change
- Shares knowledge freely
- Is generous with others
- Believes the pie is getting bigger
- Thinks big
- Embraces risk
When I realized that my limited mindset was doing just that—limiting me—from all I was capable of, I vowed to make a change. As an experiment, I started to take note of moments when I automatically operated from a place of fear, and made an effort to reframe those thoughts from a more positive, opportunity-centric lens.
As an example, let’s take something simple like a client choosing not to work with me because I am anti-diet and believe in Health at Every Size (HAES). Went from, “Oh my gosh, I am a horrible dietitian. I have to change my approach to help clients diet and lose weight or I will be out of a job,” to, “I believe in the research and in my colleagues championing this cause. I refuse to compromise my integrity as a practitioner.
If a client is not open to this, that is OK and part of their journey. I am doing good and making a powerful impact, and I will be here if and when they are ready.” I knew that more opportunities would come if I stayed true to my values and saw this situation as something positive rather than negative. And my career is testament to that. Through my blog, podcast, and social media platforms, I have collaborated with the most incredible health professionals and together we’ve reached a bigger audience than I could have ever imagined.
“Okay, Deanna. That’s amazing. But HOW did you change your mindset?”
Women. I want MORE women to win.
My perspective transformed when I saw the impact that can be made when women entrepreneurs work TOGETHER. The stereotype of women being competitive and catty keeps us small and stifled from reaching our full potential. When we support each other, we’re a force to be reckoned with. When we’re all coming from an abundant mindset, we ALL succeed. There is more than enough to go around because when we champion each other, the opportunities are actually limitless.
I believe there’s room for all of us here. Do you?
[ACTION PROMPT:] Grab a notebook and pen. Make a list of ideas and areas in your life in which you naturally gravitate towards a limited mindset. This could be anything from school and career to relationships and mental health or spirituality. Next to that list, draw a vertical line to divide your paper in half. Now, brainstorm how you can reframe those tendencies with a completely abundant mindset—highlighting the possibility, opportunity, and good in everything you do. It might seem idealistic and unrealistic, but just working through this exercise will retrain your mind to be more open.
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