It’s super easy to lose track of time when you’re on social media. Mindlessly scrolling turns into a comparison spiral and then an hour later you realize you haven’t even posted anything at all! But what if I told you that just 1 hour a day spent strategically on social could have a massive impact on your business? Let’s dive into how I would structure an hour creating content, engaging with my audience, and building a community.
10 Minutes: Source Ideas
In the first 10 minutes, I would source ideas for my content using the Explore page and Reels feed to help me spot trends that align with my business. However, my biggest secret lies within my own content archives. By looking at what has previously resonated with my audience, I can recreate successful content and give it a fresh twist.
20 – 30 Minutes: Create Reels + TikToks
If you’re looking to grow your audience, this is where the majority of your time should be spent! It’s important to jump on trends early so that you have a better chance of reaching more people. Use trending audios and things that will resonate with your audience – this is how I’ve grown an audience of nearly 300K between Instagram and TikTok.
10 Minutes: Post on Instagram Stories
In the next 10 minutes, I’d post to Instagram Stories to promote offers or updates in my business. Organic style content works best! A photo of my breakfast, giving an update directly to the camera, or pasting a few positive comments about our offer over a photo of me and Harper! Your Instagram Stories is where your audience will feel most connected with you, so keep sharing about your life as a business owner, they love it!
10 Minutes: Engaging with my Audience
Community-building is at the heart of a successful social media presence. I’d spend the final 10 minutes engaging with my audience by responding to comments on my own page and reciprocating by engaging with their content too. It’s more than just interaction – it’s about fostering a genuine connection with those who support your business.
Let this serve as a reminder to scroll with purpose. Your time on social media has the potential to transform your business. For further insights, tune in to our podcast or engage with us on social.
This is DAY 1 of the 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS! I know that December can be a hard time to find traction in building your business – but I’m here to help you with ideas and support as we close out 2023 and look forward to the future that you can create for yourself in 2024!
Stay tuned for daily entrepreneurship blogs we know you’ll love each weekday between now and Christmas. Don’t worry, if you missed a day you can find it in my 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS recap here!
And if you’re ready to make 2024 your best year yet I will be waiting for you inside my Online Entrepreneur Academy START and SCALE Programs – both kicking off on January 23, 2024! Woohoo!
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