Have you been hearing “time freedom” and “location freedom” on repeat lately and wondered what these buzzwords mean? Well, you’re in luck because we’re breaking down not only what these mean but also how you can achieve them.
What Exactly is Time Freedom?
Imagine a life where your mornings aren’t spent in a frenzied rush, but instead, relaxing with an oat milk latte in the comfort of your own home. Time freedom is the liberty to create your own schedule, take time off when you want or need it, and control the pace of your workday! For me, this looks like an unrushed breakfast with my daughter, a shared lunch with my partner, and the power to take time off for a walk as needed, all while nurturing my business.
& What About Location Freedom?
Location freedom can look like not being confined to a desk from 9 to 5, working from anywhere, or enjoying a family vacation for once instead of worrying about work. I built my business to make room for two trips to Europe this past summer and remote work from Florida where I got to look after my mom.
So How Do You Achieve More Freedom?
The key lies in starting a business that is designed for scalability and efficiency. This can be unlocked by developing a core offer that generates revenue while you get to enjoy the moments that are happening outside of the office. Once you develop your core offer, you can implement systems that optimize your time and automate mundane tasks, giving you your time back.
If this sounds like the life you’ve always dreamed of, it’s time to start building a business that grants you more freedom, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Online Entrepreneur Academy is a comprehensive program that equips you with all the tools you need to START and SCALE a business that not only thrives but also gives you the freedom to work from anywhere and at any time.
Ready to start your business journey? Apply for our next round of OEA and discover a life where every moment is truly yours.
This is DAY 10 of the 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS! I know that December can be a hard time to find traction in building your business – but I’m here to help you with ideas and support as we close out 2023 and look forward to the future that you can create for yourself in 2024!
Stay tuned for daily entrepreneurship blogs we know you’ll love each weekday between now and Christmas. Don’t worry, if you missed a day you can find it in my 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS recap here!
And if you’re ready to make 2024 your best year yet I will be waiting for you inside my Online Entrepreneur Academy START and SCALE Programs – both kicking off on January 23, 2024! Woohoo!
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