On the latest Deats with Deanna, I chatted with Brenna O’Malley, a registered dietitian based in San Francisco and founder of the online non-diet community and virtual private practice, The Wellful. Brenna specializes in helping people move away from dieting and disordered eating patterns to develop a flexible, healthy relationship with food and their body. She is passionate about changing the language we use to talk about nutrition & health in the media, online, and in food marketing. Brenna uses a non-diet, individualized approach and believes that the ‘why’ we eat is just as important as the ‘what’ we eat. Brenna practices from a Health at Every Size (HAES®) perspective and truly believes that all foods can fit in a healthy diet, that guilt is not an ingredient, and that this is hard work – but you can do hard things.
Throughout our discussion you’ll hear:
- How Brenna was able to work through dealing with chronic illness, food allergies, and intolerances. She shares her tips for dealing with food allergies and how intuitive eating is about noting internal and external cues that your body gives you.
- Brenna’s journey through diet culture, therapy and what key steps she took to overcome her restrictive relationship with food.
- Brenna’s personal experience and professional opinion about disordered eating and dietetics in general.
- Our discussion on fat and weight shaming and the stigma around diet and eating.
- Brenna also has a media and marketing background. She shared some ways dietitians can get into private practice and use social media for their business and why it is important to stay authentic.
- Brenna shares her red flags when it comes to diet culture and dietetics.

Brenna and I had so much to talk about and I am so glad she was able to sit down with me. Go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform to hear my full discussion on Deats with Deanna with Brenna, and click here to join the waitlist for my next opening for Food Freedom Breakthrough in January 2022.