Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Deanna and I’m an RD turned entrepreneur and business coach. Here’s how it all went down:
After earning my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Dietetics, completing 1,200 supervised internship hours, and passing the Commission of Dietetic Registration exam, I had officially earned the title of RD (registered dietitian). I was SO proud of myself.
But when I was offered my first job, I turned it down. Why? Because I knew I was worth more.
The job was a recipe for burnout, with long hours and low pay. It wasn’t a “bad” job by any means, but I knew I wouldn’t be making the impact I wanted in that role, nor would I be setting myself up for long-term success in this field. So, instead of accepting an offer that compromised my value, I made a plan:
- Accredited, experienced dietitian.
- To speak, write, and coach.
- To not work in a clinical hospital setting (it just wasn’t for me).
- To be my own boss.
- To work from anywhere.
- To earn a 6 figure income.
- Took a non-traditional RD job and worked into a sales role.
- Quit my job in sales.
- Start my own private practice.
- Figure. It. Out.
This wasn’t easy or comfortable by any means. The comfortable choice would have been to take the clinical job, report to ‘the man,’ hustle for long hours and low pay, and all while failing to make the impact I knew I was capable of. Instead, I took the road less traveled. And just as the poem goes—it really did make all the difference.
- Grew from $30K/year to over $1M/year in 3 years.
- Formed my own LLC.
- Started a podcast, DEATS with Deanna (in the Top 10 podcasts for mental health).
- Garnered a social media audience of over 210K on IG and 56K on TikTok.
- Helped more than 650 clients to heal their relationship with food through Food Freedom Breakthrough.
- Launched Online Entrepreneur Academy to pass on my knowledge and help other business owners start and scale their businesses successfully.
That was less than 4 years ago. So, what does my life look like now? Here’s a glimpse.
- Continue to coach my dream clients.
- Manage a 7-figure business and an incredible team of 10 as CEO of Dietitian Deanna, LLC.
- Pass along my “recipe for success” in Online Entrepreneur Academy.
- Know my worth—and add tax.
From student to registered dietitian to entrepreneur and business coach, my path has continued to evolve with exciting new opportunities. It’s all because I refuse to settle for average, comfortable, or convenient. Stepping out of your comfort zone and into your true power is really scary—I’m not going to sugar coat it. But this risk is SO worth the reward.
Click here for more about Online Entrepreneur Academy and to learn how this opportunity will level up your life.
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