There is so much buzz on the internet and social media of people preaching that you need to “diversify your income streams” to earn x amount of dollars PASSIVELY. Maybe this is a hot take but I’m gonna have to be straight up and say this is bullshit!
There is no such thing as passive income, especially when you’re just starting out. Unless you have a large audience to sell to, your focus should be on creating ONE core offer. Diversifying your income is great down the line but when you’re starting out, the fast track to success is to create your one core offer. In the first stages, you will need to learn how to market and sell to your audience so that you will have the most success! Additionally, you’ll want to grow your brand awareness before you start putting out multiple offers. No one is going to buy from you if they don’t know who you are, what your offering is, and what your story is.
Here’s the simple truth… You CAN create a 6 figure business with 1 core offer! And you know I’m not going to say this without proof to back it up!

We’ve had SO many students in Online Entrepreneur Academy start with one core offer and have consistent $10K months! The key is to find one thing that your audience is looking for and meet them there. Find a gap in your industry, close it with your expertise, and build an offer around it.
Our philosophy is that you should be perfecting your SIGNATURE offer before creating more. You want to make sure your core offer has your own unique twist so that it stands out in the market. By aligning your offer with the right audience, continuously refining your strategies, and providing exceptional value, you’ll be well on your way to hitting your first 6-figures.
Want to learn the specifics of how to structure and SELL your unique offer? When you enroll in OEA you get to join the hundreds of women whom we’ve taught our proven framework and start scaling your business to 6-figures. Our next round starts on January 23rd! Don’t miss out, apply to Online Entrepreneur Academy today. See you inside!
This is DAY 2 of the 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS! I know that December can be a hard time to find traction in building your business – but I’m here to help you with ideas and support as we close out 2023 and look forward to the future that you can create for yourself in 2024!
Stay tuned for daily entrepreneurship blogs we know you’ll love each weekday between now and Christmas. Don’t worry, if you missed a day you can find it in my 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS recap here!
And if you’re ready to make 2024 your best year yet I will be waiting for you inside my Online Entrepreneur Academy START and SCALE Programs – both kicking off on January 23, 2024! Woohoo!
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