Does this sound like you right now? Your current job doesn’t match the impact and income you know you are worthy of. You have been trying to get your side hustle going but you feel like you have no time and it always falls to the bottom of your list. You want MORE out of life but you just don’t know where to invest your time or money to get you there.
I have been there! I have been the dietetic intern by day and hustling by night not knowing if it would ever turn into something bigger. I’ve had my family telling me to stay the course and do the “sensible” thing. But I’m here to tell you that the “sensible thing” is actually to take action, take control of your dream life, and start making it your reality- TODAY. This blog walks you through HOW to do this.
Define Your Vision
I spent a year working in a hospital following the path that I was told was the right one, but knew quickly that the standard clinical role wasn’t for me. I wanted to speak, write, coach others, and make an impact with the knowledge I had worked hard to obtain. NOT spend my life grinding away for $45k a year. (Sound familiar?)
When you’re starting a business, you need to ask yourself some questions: Who is my target audience, what problem am I solving? How does my offer stand out from what else is out there? Being able to answer these questions will help you solidify your vision.
If you don’t know what that vision is, DON’T SWEAT IT. Most women think they need a business plan before they start. You will probably NEVER start if you subscribe to this method of thinking. My team and I have tried LOTS of different business models, tested multiple income streams (1:1, group programs, courses, memberships, brand work, products, consulting, speaking, writing, podcasting, in-person), and have figured out which ones ACTUALLY help you reach 6 figures+.
Embrace a Growth Mindset vs Limited
You might be sitting there reading this thinking- “that just isn’t possible for me.” Stop it right now. That little voice in your head is coming from a pre-programmed limited mindset. If I can, YOU CAN.
Instead of looking at challenges that arise, look at them as opportunities for learning and improvement. If you don’t win, you still learn. You never lose.

If you want to scale to a six-figure business, you are going to need to step outside of your comfort zone. For me, this meant tackling my perfectionism head-on. This looked like believing that imperfect action is still action and if I had stood still, I would have never made it closer to where I wanted to be.
Scale Strategically
First of all, you HAVE to believe that who you are, and what you offer, is worth investing in. If you believe that, others will too.
You will need to embrace change graciously. Yes change can be downright scary, but embrace the energizing and exciting parts of change too! As you hone your skills as a CEO, you’ll create space for the next chapter to grow and scale your business.
Find a coach. If you’re unsure of what your next step is, look to someone who has already done it. You’ll look back a year from now and wish you had started sooner.
I’ve embedded my experience and proven framework into the DNA of my Online Entrepreneur Academy START and SCALE programs so that entrepreneurs around the world can FINALLY quit the job that doesn’t fulfill them, and use that potential towards an income that matches their passion.
Next round begins soon.
Are you in? Or are you still waiting for that “perfect” time?
Don’t wait! Apply today.
This is DAY 6 of the 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS! I know that December can be a hard time to find traction in building your business – but I’m here to help you with ideas and support as we close out 2023 and look forward to the future that you can create for yourself in 2024!
Stay tuned for daily entrepreneurship blogs we know you’ll love each weekday between now and Christmas. Don’t worry, if you missed a day you can find it in my 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS recap here!
And if you’re ready to make 2024 your best year yet I will be waiting for you inside my Online Entrepreneur Academy START and SCALE Programs – both kicking off on January 23, 2024! Woohoo!
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