If you read the title of this blog post and your immediate reaction was, “I don’t know,” you’ll want to keep reading.
In a recent episode of the DEATS with Deanna Podcast, I caught up with a few Online Entrepreneur Academy alumni to reflect on their business evolution a year and a half after finishing the program. We discussed how they were able to build a sustainable business, how they evolved as an individual and as an entrepreneur, and how their business has changed since completing OEA. These results are inspiring for entrepreneurs of any caliber and I’m here to tell you that this could be you one year from now, too!
Before joining OEA, one alum shared that even after 3 years in business, she was still struggling to gain traction or establish a customer base. She was undercharging for her services – missing out on money that she knew she should be making, but she just couldn’t justify raising her prices. She was still using her personal email to speak with clients, didn’t have a clear vision of what she wanted her business to be, wasn’t leveraging social media to reach her audience, and “just didn’t know what I was doing.”
So how did she make a change? How did she know what the next step was to take her business from struggling to thriving? She was on the fence about investing in herself but ended up pulling the trigger and joining OEA the day before the course started because she thought, “what do I have to lose.”
You can’t keep doing the same things you’ve been doing and expect a different result. In order to grow, you have to step out of your comfort zone.
During the course, these entrepreneurs learned everything I wish I knew when I was starting out. That’s what OEA is! A tried and true roadmap to building a sustainable, profitable business no matter if you’re just starting out or looking to scale to multiple 6 figures. They gained direction and actionable steps on how to turn their audience into paying clients, how to structure their business, how to delegate correctly to free up time, and ultimately how to design a business that allows them the life that they deserve.
Now, a year and a half after enrolling in OEA, these business owners have completely changed their game and are highly successful entrepreneurs.
Our second alum’s goal was to make $70K in the first year after OEA, but guess what? She doubled that and hit over 6 figures in her first full year of business. All while designing her life the way she wanted to live it: long weekends off, spending more time with friends and family, and the ability to work from anywhere!
So ask yourself this: “what do you have to lose?”
Everything you want is on the other side of taking the leap. So apply now and secure your spot before we sell out our next cohort (unfortunately we had to turn people away last cohort)!
Check out the full podcast episode here.
This is DAY 9 of the 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS! I know that December can be a hard time to find traction in building your business – but I’m here to help you with ideas and support as we close out 2023 and look forward to the future that you can create for yourself in 2024!
Stay tuned for daily entrepreneurship blogs we know you’ll love each weekday between now and Christmas. Don’t worry, if you missed a day you can find it in my 12 DAYS OF BLOGMAS recap here!
And if you’re ready to make 2024 your best year yet I will be waiting for you inside my Online Entrepreneur Academy START and SCALE Programs – both kicking off on January 23, 2024! Woohoo!
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