Kristie Messerli and Andie Grange have been on the podcast before, but it’s been over 1 year now and each have been in their business for about 1.5 years. Today we will talk about how they have built sustainable businesses for themselves after completing Online Entrepreneur Academy.
They both have amazing stories about their transformations from working traditional jobs as RD’s to their current job as 6-figure CEO’s, paid speakers and influencers in the online space and I know you will love following along their impact and growth.
Tune in to hear:
- How Kristie and Andie have both evolved since enrolling in Online Entrepreneur Academy
- The importance of mindset work
- Overcoming imposter syndrome
- Kristie and Andie’s favorite topics to teach in OEA
- Their proudest moments as business owners

Connect with Andie:
IG: @dietitian.andie
Connect with Kristie:
IG: @type2diabetes.nutritionist
This episode is sponsored by Online Entrepreneur Academy. Are you a dietitian or female wellness expert that’s feeling undervalued in your job? Not passionate about what you’re doing, or are you working one to one with clients now and want to scale your private practice to group an online coach courses and programs, then OEA is perfect for you. This is a high touch coaching program and we are currently enrolling for our next cohort.
Apply for the Online Entrepreneur Academy here.