I absolutely LOVE getting to coach and educate dietitians on building a business from Instagram. My program, Dietitian Entrepreneur Academy, is for dietitians and RD2Bes who are ready to start and grow their virtual business (holler if clinical is NOT for you!), find and work with their ideal client through Instagram and have the tools/systems in place to grow and create passive income streams. And why I’m sharing with you my 5 key tips on starting out! Note, my virtual business is a MIX of private practice plus other revenue streams, which is why I’m not saying ‘private practice’ here. Private practice isn’t the only option for entrepreneurship!
- Understand your ICA (ideal client avatar) and niche.
If you’re speaking to EVERYONE, you’re speaking to NO ONE. Stay narrow and become the go-to expert in that market. This is the key to finding clients you love to work with and charging your worth. If you’re confused on how to narrow down, my Academy provides you with a proven framework that helps you learn the pain points of your dream client and get them to be paying customers!
2. Don’t be a perfectionist.
Perfection is the #1 thing that will hinder you from taking the first steps. Don’t have a perfect LLC name? Go with something easy like “First Name Last Name Nutrition”. Don’t have a perfect website? You can find clients through Instagram without a website and build it as you grow/create income. It doesn’t have to be perfect to start and build momentum/consistency.
3. Create niche specific shareable content.
You want your content to be shareable. And educational. People want to learn from you, not look at you. ‘Learn from you’ content should be 70% of your content and ‘look at me’ content should be 30% (so people can get to know, like and trust you).
4. Show up EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even for 15 seconds!
I know this sounds easy. But almost every Dietitian Entrepreneur Academy student has told me ‘but I don’t have anything to say’. When you work through my proven method, you are given the EXACT tools and templates in order to create clear stories to build a community and sell. Start by reverse engineering what people are saying to you in direct messages to create relevant content.
5. Don’t do free work for brands.
Know your worth! Share your top 3 favorite products on stories and that’s it. Ensure people get to know you because of those. Keep this simple (ie your favorite grocery store, coffee brand, etc). Don’t agree to promote product just because brands are sending them. Remind them you can trial them but can’t promise to post. When brands ask to send you stuff, you MUST send them a pitch about what you have to offer (that is NOT free). If you don’t have a pitch or strategy here, I also work through this in my Dietitian Entrepreneur Academy. NO FREE WORK!
Are your ready to finally build the virtual nutrition business of your dreams? If so, apply for Dietitian Entrepreneur Academy HERE.