This week on Deats with Deanna, I sat down with Mallory Page, a food freedom dietitian and business owner based out of Austin, Texas. The four-step program she uses in her group and 1:1 coaching has helped hundreds of women overcome disordered eating and heal their relationship with food once and for all. She uses her various platforms to debunk diet culture crap, share tangible recovery tips, and show what intuitive eating actually looks like.
We chatted about:
- How 2021 has been for Mallory and her diagnoses/experience with Chronic Epstein Barr
- What bloating looks like for Mallory’s clients when they come to her and the difference between distension and bloating
- The impact of overexercise and high intensity workouts on GI issues like bloating
- Why taking a break from exercise can be a good thing and other things you can do to help with mental health in the meantime
- Mallory’s recovery journey and how her own experiences have impacted how she is able to work with clients
- How Mallory has been able to scale her business with a group coaching program and help more people with their recovery journeys
- The importance of investing in yourself and the value of having support in all areas of life and business

Mallory and I had such a great time. Go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform to hear my full discussion on Deats with Deanna with Mallory and click here to join the waitlist for my next opening for Food Freedom Breakthrough in January 2022.