This week I am here to give you a solo episode where I chat about everything I am not vibing with on social media. If you liked any one of these reasons, share it on social media, share with your friends, have them listen along. I’d love for them to be part of the Deats with Deanna community, because I love showing up here and recording these podcasts for you guys. It was so fun to talk with you one to one. I hope you guys have an amazing week ahead and we’ll see on the next episode.

This episode is sponsored by the Online Entrepreneur Academy. Are you a dietitian or female wellness expert that’s feeling undervalued in your job? Not passionate about what you’re doing, or are you working one to one with clients now and want to scale your private practice to group an online coach courses and programs, then OEA is perfect for you. This is a three month high touch coaching program and we are currently enrolling for our next cohort. Go here to apply.