You’re probably here because you want to hear the lowdown on the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, which was in Orlando, Florida this year earlier in October. So I’m going to give you the lowdown from my perspective, the juiciest details on what went down.

I mean, I literally can’t say it enough. I am just so so so so so grateful for anybody who has watched my content. Who has started following me or, you know, unfollowed and come back, just to see the different kind of pivots I made and to be able to empower other dietitians. And even if you’re not a dietitian, it empowers you to learn about new brands and learn about kind of a new way to think about food, so it was just so honored to have been there. I love talking to you in direct messages and you guys interacting with my things on social media is really important. And then to be able to do it in real life was so cool. So I just want to say thank you to anybody who is at FNCE. Thank you for just all of your love for anything that I do. It really really means the world and I’m going to continue to pivot as we grow. It was so cool to see all the different things dietitians are doing in the space. And as we go into 2023 so I will see you at FNCE next year.
Click the link above to listen to this episode of DEATS with Deanna wherever you get your podcasts. To connect, you can find me on Instagram: @dieitiandeanna @online.entreprenuer.academy.